Thursday, August 26, 2010

strengthen legal advocacy education

strengthen legal advocacy education. enhance the legal awareness and public service quality, enhance the level of administration according to law, strengthen legal education of public servants, strengthen the sense of responsibility focus, process awareness, civil rights protection awareness and encourage public servants to master through practice and application of law, improve public service legal knowledge. Meanwhile, we should according to law throughout all aspects of the administration to include all levels of government economic and social development assessment content.
3, the conclusion should be the Rule of Law.administrative reform target, the government administrative reform is to build the rule of law means and ways. Meanwhile, the rule of law and government philosophy is the guiding ideology of the administrative system, administrative reform is the only concept of the rule of law and rule of law under the guidance of the government can there be in the right direction, people made useful and valuable results. left the concept of rule of law and government guidance of the rule of law, may deviate from the direction of reform, leading to adverse consequences on the people. the rule of law the government is the goal, reform is the means. reform is a project, this project must be guided by the rule of law concept.

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